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I Am... Mama and Writer

First Mama.  Then Writer.  Though, of late, the latter has consumed a great deal of time as I work to get things in order to potentially be ...

Thursday, June 12, 2008


I realized I haven't been sharing my accomplishments in walking. The greatest accomplishment thus far is that I have maintained my 5 days per week. I haven't completed 80 minutes per day on all of those days, but given what I've been dealing with (namely hip pain, increasingly painful braxton hicks when I walk for longer than 30 minutes - particularly when I haven't had enough water to drink, and a more difficult time holding my water - especially when I forget to discontinue the water consumption at least an hour before I walk) I still feel quite good about what I have been doing. I think one day in the last 2 weeks I walked for only about 30 minutes. The next shortest walk was 45 and then 60. Today was back up to 80... but I did have to relieve myself in the woods. I REALLY don't enjoy that, contrary to what Jess seems to think!

It seems people are becoming familiar with me in my little town. Today a sweet lady named Rose stopped us before we crossed the street to climb the bridge to chat. She told me that she's seen me walking for quite a while and really wanted to meet me and see what I had in my carriage. She thought it might be twins, but was pleasantly surprised by my two beauty queens. She was really kind to the girls and to me. We spent about 15 minutes chatting and she invited me to stop to use her bathroom any time I might need it. I actually just may since she lives just far enough south of me to be convenient when I do walk the two miles south. It's REALLY difficult to find a hidden spot to pee outside in that direction! Seriously! I REALLY do NOT like it!!! It seems that Rose has a daughter who I am very similar to. That's cool because that means there's a sort of reason for her to identify with me and like me without even knowing me. That's always nice.

I've had many others in my town make comments to me about this or that as I'm walking. It's really quite nice... in a way. I feel like folks in my town are sort of watching out for us. ^_^

I haven't weighed myself lately, but I continue to feel better and better. Jess actually commented the other day that I look thinner now than in the only picture we have of his Mom and Dad hanging in out livingroom. That made me feel really good because I wasn't feeling super huge at that time! ^_^ Of course, I want to feel totally comfy in my body, not just NOT super uge, so I'm certainly not finished with walking. And even when I reach a comfy point I still won't be done because I know how MUCH the walks really help regulate SO much more than losing weight!

I LOVE my walks!!!

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