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I Am... Mama and Writer

First Mama.  Then Writer.  Though, of late, the latter has consumed a great deal of time as I work to get things in order to potentially be ...

Monday, June 2, 2008

Papa Departs

We left before 7am to get Papa (J Pa) to the airport in Orlando. The traffic was really easy, so we arrived around 9am. We ate breakfast together at Chick-Fil-A and then Papa had to go through the checkpoint to get to his plane. We left the airport immediately. Before we'd even made our way out of the parking garage, Ria saddly comented, "I miss Papa!" She repeated this refrain no fewer than 10 times before the end of the day, I'm sure. It was REALLY nice to have my Dad visit. It was a joy to share Ria's FIRST dance recital with him. And it was wonderful for me that Ria read GUESS HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU to him. He was adequately impressed.

After leaving the airport, we headed to the temple. I completely forgot, of course, that the temple is closed on Mondays. So, we enjoyed a little bit of walking on the grounds together. We would have stayed longer, but both Jess and I had to use a restroom! For the HOT ride home we stopped and purchased some chocolate milkshakes for the girls and some sweet tea for Jess from Krystals.

It's been really quiet around here since Papa's been gone. Though, I will definitely say that Ria has been testing a LOT more since he's been gone. (Mostly testing Daddy since I think she's started to trust that Mama's really NOT going to freak out on her anymore.)

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