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I Am... Mama and Writer

First Mama.  Then Writer.  Though, of late, the latter has consumed a great deal of time as I work to get things in order to potentially be ...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Think of Us

If you think of us when you pray and would like to offer some words on our behalf, it would be nice if you would include something along the lines that we will be assured of choosing the best way as we proceed through some forks in our path. It's good change. Exciting. Just a bit... scary. As most change is, for me.

Jess has been offered a job. The pay is better than either current job. He'll be training for a leadership position (read HUGE increase in ONE job pay and probably sufficient for our needs, so he wouldn't have to work TWO jobs after that promotion happens, which will occur after training!). And the new place is fine with paying overtime. YIPPEE!!! If that's not change enough, we have to decide which of his current jobs to let go. I suppose it could work out that he keeps all 3 (with the two current ones being worked as very part-time), but that seems unlikely.

So, if you would, please... think of us.


Jenny said...

congratulations on the new job opportunity! Sounds fantastic!

vicki said...

I will pray for the best as I wish for it. With love

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