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First Mama.  Then Writer.  Though, of late, the latter has consumed a great deal of time as I work to get things in order to potentially be ...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Miss Sunday = Sick by Tuesday?

This is only a minor exaggeration. Not ALL of us were sick by Tuesday. Kat was, though. And then Ria got it Wednesday. Jess had a tummy ache Wednesday night. (While Jess has been sick a bit more than usual since Tea was born, he normally doesn't even GET a tummy ache!) I woke up SUPER early today (Thursday) with some sort of run-to-the-bathroom-think-I'm-gunna-puke stuff. So, while it may not, in reality, be a one to one sort of thing, it sure feels like it!

Although I didn't say it specifically, it is true that we did miss church this past Sunday. The reason? My sleep issues and Jess just not wanting toget up and go. I actually could NOT sleep at ALL until it was time to get up and get ready for church! :( Now, I'm sort of used to "sleeping" for 1-3 hours before church because of mysort of standard sleep issues, "new" baby in our house, being on a cruddy schedule for the 3 months before Tea was born (working from 9pm until 3-5am), and hormones. All of which have been making a "normal" sleep schedule unlikely, if not impossible for the last 4+ months.

In my opinion, the worst Sundays to miss in the year = the Sunday right before Stake Conference, the one before General Conference, and any Sunday on which you've specifically been asked to DO something (like give a talk). And what do I do? Two out of three. Usually when I say that I'm thinking, "two outta three ain't bad," but in this case it IS and I STILL feel bad. This coming Sunday is Stake Conference (lovely 1 hour drive each way) AND last Sunday I was supposed to give a 2-3 minute talk for a baptism.

So, why didn't I just go to church on no sleep? Well, I almost did. But, you see, I have problems enough with "seeing" things. You know, like you see a face in the different colors on some tile. Please tell me you know what I mean! Well, I regularly "see" things inthat way like in the popcorn on the ceiling (you know the sticky-outty stuff made by the way they finished the ceiling), our floor tiles, the concrete outside, spilled milk or other foods, and elsewhere. It's MUCH worse when I'm tired. There was this one day I'd only slept a couple of hours before driving to AND from the temple (Jess was too tired). We had to stop at a gas station for something or other. When Jess came back to the van I asked him if he saw ____ talking to each other. I don't remember what was in the blank, faces maybe? Jess looked at me like I'd lost a few marbles between his departure and arrival and then told me he would drive. I clarified that I was referring to faces(?) in the concrete and he made me give up my seat. So, trying to function on less than 2 hours of sleep is not a wise move for me at this "late" stage in my life. I'm ONLY 33!!!

It's hard for me to imagine that I used to stay up for 3 days in a row and still feel IN my head!!! I think, though, that the hormones constantly coursing through my system (extra, I mean) since I got preggie with Ria almost 6 years ago could play a part! What do YOU think? Am I just a bit nuttier than most or effected by sleep deprivation in a rather normal way? I'm sure you can guess which I think (the latter NOT the former), but I'd like to know what YOU think (of me). ^_^

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you have a tough job! I remember those days well. The sleep deprivation is hard enough, then add hormones and things get really complicated.

Just try to remember that this too will pass....someday you'll be like me, menopausally sleep-deprived with messed up hormones, but no beautiful babies to enjoy because they went and grew up! However, I do get to enjoy adult children now, and that's a real pleasure, too.

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your girls are adorable :) Hope you're all feeling better.

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