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Sunday, March 15, 2009

My Ward's Most Recent Activity

Friday the 13th (another one!) at 6:30pm we had our second Ward Activity since I've had my new calling. (Happy birthday -again- H and C!!!)

Thus far it seems that my biggest job is the night of the event. I run around making sure things are proceeding on schedule, meeting visitors (which I would do anyway), taking pictures, and helping where there is any need of help. I do have to do some arranging before and probably after because of our outreach program, but mostly it's THE night of. It's good, though.

You know what my biggest challenge is? Not being able (read: allowed) to do everything myself! I have SUCH awesome ideas for the activities for my Ward, but because of the way it's working (as per my leadership) I don't get much say when it boils right down to it. Overall, I'm okay with that, but I feel some sorrow over having to let go of some of my hopes for service projects once a quarter and such. *sigh* The other part of that huge difficulty is turning over responsibilities and then just trusting that they will be fulfilled! Can you imagine me having a hard time with that? Well, the Lord knew. And He put me in a work that will test my limits, let me tell you!

Friday's activity was a wonderful and joyful success. The Young Women's Auxiliary of the Ward were responsible for the activity, overall, and especially the program for the night. They put on a wonderful play (for New Beginnings - a way for upcoming YW to be introduced and perhaps easier for any less active families to attend) about Lucky (female) the Leprauchan taking a journey along the rainbow TO her pot of gold. If you know the YW's program, you'll probably guess that it had to do with the YW's virtues since they are all the colors of the rainbow. The part that touched me most deeply when our YW's Pres was telling me about it AND in the skit was the pot of gold at the end. You see, the new virtue, Virtue, is Gold! So, Lucky collected all the colors of the rainbow (rainbow colored clovers) on her journey and then ended with her pot of gold, which also held a gold clover. It was lovely!

We also had a chili dinner. Almost every single person who signed up to bring something was also physically present! Another way to say that is, we had a wonderful turnout. I think everyone in attendance had a good time. We had a visiting family, a less active family, and a Sister who will be baptised tomorrow in attendance. It was really nice. I was running around most of the time, but I think it was really nice! I was just really happy to see so many from my Ward in attendance. It certainly warmed my heart.

And we started almost on time! I think we were only 5 minutes late in our start time, which was close to my goal of starting right on time. Still working on that part. :)

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