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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Our Temple

This is Ria's birthday. Not all of the posts will be cpmplete and utter Ria dotage, but I figured it was appropriate to have at least a couple of them devoted to her and all about her. So, here's the first one!

Sunday was Ward Conference. I mentioned that before, I think. ? Anyway.... I'm not in Primary anymore, so I missed seeing and hearing this first-hand. But, thankfully, two sweet Sisters were so kind as to share it with me. As part of Ward Conference, President Robers (I believe the second coucelor) visits Primary. In Primary he does a talk. They are wonderful. I know since I was present for at least 2 prior to this one.

This time he talked about Temples. Our Stake Relief Society President (I forget her name every time!) and Mary Kay both told me basically the same story, which goes something like this: Ria raised her hand and called out answers the whole time. You know, just like she does. And when Pres. Roberts held up a picture of the Orlando temple she just about jumped out of her seat and said, "That's OUR Temple!" President Roberts was a little surprised and said, "You're right. Do you know what temples are for?" Ria promptly responded, "Families are sealed together for all eternity." Pres was a little surprised again. Ria continued, "My Mommy is already sealed, but my Daddy isn't." I'm going to take a moment and feel totally happy that she has such an understanding as she does of the temple! And that she loves it the way she obviously does in her "ownership" of it! Both Sisters were so soft eyed and obviously felt lovingly toward my Ria as they told their tales.

Lessons to learn from stories shared: Obviously, I haven't covered the difference between sealing and endowments clearly enough as yet, but now I know I need to do more in that area. I should also learn from this that I need to work more on Ria's understanding of raising of hands TO talk, not talking as she raises her hands.

Even so, it's clear that one of my major goals with our temple trips (making the temple REAL to my children) is coming to pass in Ria. What a BLESSING! I'm so grateful that Heavenly Father (through angels and circumstances) has made it possible for us to make it every month since we've lived here - even through our most difficult times. We are SO blessed!!!

1 comment:

Our family said...

Although I love hearing/reading all the fun stories about your girls, I especially love stories like this one! Thanks for sharing!

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