Jess has been SO nice the last few days! I can really tell he's trying to control his frustrations and interact and react kindly. It's made SUCH a difference in my feelings about our home, life, and family! I know the saying goes that "If Mama aint happy, aint nobody happy" and I do believe that's sort of true. But I have to say, from my own experience, at least, that if Jess isn't happy, I don't feel as able to put on a happy face!
Generally, it's pretty difficult for me to "fake it until I make it" in my daily like where happiness is concerned. Why is this? I've been wondering about this a lot lately. I can fake it when there are other people around, but alone (well, alone with kiddos) it's not nearly so easy. I'm lame, maybe?
What helps you to just BE happy each day (especially the ones that don't go so well)? And I'm asking about specific thoughts or activities that help you BE happy.
The Cymbalta the doctor put me on for my Fibromyalgia works WONDERS!
But since I know you are looking for non-medicine ideas, music is the BEST for turning around my mood. I have made myself a few playlists on so that when I need an upper, I can play the right music for the job. Check it out if you haven't already! For me, it works like a charm every time. : )
Cranking up the praise music helps more often than anything else. And, sometimes just pleading with God to change our hearts helps too :)
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