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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Wanna Watch a GREAT Movie?

I've been keeping a secret. I don't know why. But I've decided to share the secret with you. You could probably find it pretty easily on your own, but I'm going to share it anyway.

The secret? A great site to find online movies. LOTS of them! It's awesome. Jess and I have found a few, but this one is THE best. Sometimes not the best quality of uploads, but the best for variety and number of both old and new movies. It's called Watch Movies dot net, but if you just click the link you'll pop on over. The specific link is for the movie I'm feeling compelled to tell you about.

Do you like thought provoking movies? Do you like Nick Cage? Do you like Sci-Fi? Do you like movies that suggest interpretations of prophecy concerning the End of Days? I, personally, would have to answer yes to all of those. So, this was a particularly enjoyable movie for me. But, even if I answered no to any of them, I think it would be interesting to the answerer.

Knowing (title of the movie). WOW.

DO tell me if you've seen or do see this movie and what YOU think of it!

1 comment:

vicki said...

looks interesting. Thanks for sharing. Now....when do I make the time to watch a movie on the internet? Hm,m,...maybe I will try to rent it (quality not always good?)

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