says it's a-okay
doesn't mean it really is.
For it's all just part of the biz.
The business of sin
where no one does win.
Just because the majority accept it as all-right
doesn't mean righteousness should go down without a fight#.
They say those who stand up for what they believe
are haters, bigots, nuts, and more than I can conceive.
Even though my heart feels absolutely no hate,
they call out these words and continue to berate.
Just because those who believe strongly enough to stand firm
refuse to back down and accept wrong made into a new term.
For they strive to make wrong into right.
Yet they cannot see what they do, for it's out of their sight.
Spiritual eyes wide shut against truth and God's Way.
In the future not far hence, this will be as past issues are now, so they say.
Yet truth is and will always, truth, be.
And God is the same from times past and into eternity.
For one eternal round really means what it means.
And though evil would like to rip truth at it's seams,
God will always conquer and win the day.
Whether evil says no, or, "Yes, you may."
Thankfully, our God is Love
and tolerates so much foolishness there, up above.
And will tolerate ever so much more
until Christ's return and what comes before.
Until then it'll get worse until all things align,
but that doesn't mean it will be steady decline.
For you see, the program allows for lots of change
His return will certainly happen within a definite range.
But innumerable factors can alter
the course of time and yet cause not a falter*.
Which is why only God, the Father, knows
when Christ shall appear once more, so it goes.
For He, our Father God, is the most amazing author of a book.
Who sits down and makes a plan for his story somewhere in a nook.
He knows the end from the beginning
the ones that make us frown and those that leave us grinning.
If you've ever heard an author speak who was inspired,
they were surprised by some character or another's actions unrequired.
A character seemed to take over the show.
To write its own story, don't you know.
But though the character may seem to have gotten away,
in the end, the author's purposes they inherently obey.
That's how we can change things, too.
By action or inaction, it's up to me and you.
The day is not set.
But ever so real is the threat.
Impending doom
over us does loom.
Nazis are nothings compared
we must all become prepared.
Changes are necessary to be made.
They cannot be a moment delayed.
"What changes?" I hear you ask.
The answer is quite a task.
For no one likes to not belong.
Yet I know right is right, not wrong.
And so I must now declare the truth:
Repent now whether an adult or in your youth.
Repent ye and turn from your wicked ways.
Before the beginning of the true end of days.
For the seven year tribulation is not yet begun
and as of now, we can yet, it, outrun.
Or, at least it might thus seem so.
For by righteousness we can slow
the ticking of the celestial clock.
I'm serious here, do not mock.
We can lengthen out the days
by turning once more to belief in His Ways.
Believe in God and declare it.
Say it straight, or with witt.
Stand tall and imoveable in righteousness,
do not ignore the call and become useless.
Turn to God with full purpose of heart.
Learn and then fully do your part.
He has a purpose for you.
Certainly you know it's true.
Learn and strengthen your faith in His Word.
Join this new and everlasting herd.
For we are His sheep.
And the good Shepherd does, us, always keep.
Be ye Baptised who will bear the name of our God.
If ye are willing to bear one another's burdens, don't just nod.
Go ahead and do it, commit and take the plunge.
Learn of His love, accept it, absorb it like a sponge.
Then shine it forth until all the nations.
Become one of God's Love Light stations.
Like a power generator of sorts.
It's an awesome rush, by all reports.
But it takes Faith, Hope, and Charity.
The three together within one human is a rarity.
But by trusting God and turning fully to Him,
He'll fill you full, right up to the brim.
Oh, baptism and the laying on of hands
by those in authority is one of God's commands.
Where to find it, one might wonder, I know.
You'll have to take a seat before, your mind, I blow.
It's found in the form of one church on this earth.
It's been here since before your birth.
The Church of Jesus Christ is a part of its name.
of Latter-Day Saints (that's the end), one and the same.
It's got the most truth, don't you know.
It took me a while, but I testify it's so.
Pray for yourself, don't trust me!
God will answer, just you wait and see.
Once you know for yourself the truth that I've shared,
You'll realize how much of myself I have, here, bared.
And the concern and the worries I've felt in the doing.
But I feel compelled of the Lord to put it out there for viewing.
In hopes and with faith that the Lord can use me in my weakness.
For all that's good in me is Christ, I say in all meekness.
Let us unite in His wondrous name.
Stop calling out what is not my blame.
I do not hate simply because I stand by my Faith.
The accusation of such hangs in my heart like a wraith.
Join me in Love and standing for truth and right.
God will ever supports us with His might.
*falter: noun: the act of pausing uncertainly, verb: be unsure or weak
#by "fight" I do not mean actively fighting with physical punches or weapons, but, rather, I mean firmly standing against the onslaught of that which is wrong.
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1 comment:
I like what you wrote.
love, mom
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