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Saturday, February 1, 2014

Saturday Soliloquy #21: Perth

It was a LONG ride from Adelaide to Perth.  My school, Edith Cowan University was in Perth, so I had to get there!  I honestly don't remember anything about that ride.  It's just a pop into Perth.

Perth was nice.  Very cool and UN-drivable city center.  It was specifically set up for walking to shop.  I liked that a great deal.

I remember finding it amazing and wonderful to investigate all the shops down little alleys.  I felt the old anxiety about getting lost that I felt in Japan (like when I drew a circle) and actually thought I was lost a few times.  It was such a blessing to find myself again (never was lost, after all!) and realize that the downtown area was really quite navigable and relatively difficult to REALLY get lost in.  What a gift THAT!

A typical afternoon scene in a car-free part of downtown Perth. (JP/Pandaya) photo from Jakarta Post

One of the many things I loved about Perth were the awesome sidewalk art!  There were some that looked REALLY unusual and others (like these roos) that were really representative of Oz, in general.

Photo Credit: Afar


vicki said...

I love reading of your Australian adventures.
lov, mom

Josefine said...

So do I! Brings back memories!

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