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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Trials as Blessings Revisited

I've been thinking about this a lot since the first post about it. One of the biggest blessings I've felt in many trials we've faced lately is the perspective it provides on progress. If this isn't clear, let me explain what I mean.

About a year ago I was quite depressed as a result of a number of trials both physical and emotional. I didn't weather the daily difficulties very well and life just felt SUPER overwhelming. While I still have days that feel SUPER overwhelming, there haven't been any, lately, as bad as they regularly occurred in my experience of reality a year ago. So, even though the difficulties we've been facing lately are on par with those of a year ago, the reactions are different. I can only fully speak for myself here, of course.

Also, the trials, as of late, have helped me to feel Father's love because I can see A LITTLE how he has made provisions for us in so many ways because HE could see the storms ahead and HE created sort of protected pathways for us. Like the overhead protection over some walkways at school... it won't keep all the weather off, but it'll shelter you from some of the worst of it, if you stick to the path. Right? I've felt that this time so very much. And am so - beyond words - grateful!

So a cute little scene (I didn't catch with the camera, but is frozen as a scene in my mind) I enjoyed observing with Kat today: She was sitting in a little child's chair that she rarely ever deigns to perch upon. She'd claimed one of the twin baby dolls Heidi gave Ria for Christmas a couple years ago (those are their FAVORITE baby dolls!) and was sitting this this little chair playing with the doll and holding a book. She decided to focus on the "reading" the book and commenced to position her baby doll next to her in the chair. It was funny and sweet to see how specifically she wanted that baby situated so that the baby was right next to her and she'd be able to hold the book open to read and so the baby could see it, too. When the baby was situated, she opened the book and began "reading" to herself and the baby. You have to understand that, for Kat, all books are Hymnals waiting to be! It's wonderful to observe this little singer we have. Often loud, but still wonderful! ^_^

She also had a very good day in Nursery. Sage, my dear friend, is now our nursery leader with her husband. We could NOT be luckier!!!! I'm so grateful to have someone who loves children as dearly as she does in Nursery interacting with my Kitty Kat! Sage told me that Kat was a little sad at the beginning and kept calling, "Daa-eee!" but by the end she was interacting and happy. I knew this because I'd checked on her a few times (as I still do) and saw that she seemed quite comfy and happy. :) But it was really wonderful to hear from my friend... she's so observant and attentive and it really warms my heart and fills me with gratitude that she'll be Kat's Nursery Leader for a while. Troy, her hubbie, is wonderful as well. He's a very nice guy and a calm presence for the little ones. I think there's a good chance Skyler, a 4 year old who suffered a... WOW, I've completely forgot the name for the brain version of a heart attack... sheesh... my brain is very holey lately (as is pretty normal for most preggie women). Well, anyway, I hope you will understand what I meant by that description. Anyway, Skyler had one of those brain attacks while a very small baby. As a result he does not yet walk, he doesn't really talk, and he can be rather difficult. He's very smart, in my observation, though. He doesn't much like for his care provider to spend time with other children, though, so that can make him especially challenging in Nursery because there are always other children to interact with! Anyway... I can totally see Sage and Troy just being wonderful and, in fact, perfect for all of our Nursery children!!!

We have a new chorister in Primary. I asked Ria what she thought of Sister Stefflick. She said, "She has a beautiful smile!" :) Mary Kay Stefflick does have a beautiful smile. She and her new hubbie are new in the ward and she was just called to be chorister. She did a really wonderful job with the children today and they seemed taken with her. I'm glad. Our last chorister is a hard act to follow! ^_^

Ria enjoys being in the spotlight SO much! She has a great difficulty with NOT having opportunities to get up and participate in activities at the front of the room. In fact, this is one of the biggest difficulties we have (at this point) that I have a difficult time addressing. She doesn't have to raise her hand in class because she's the only student when we work on her classes... she does have to just observe when I'm doing 'cool' with Kathryn, but that's not as often as she needs the practice. So, this is a challenge resulting from homeschooling that I'm going to have to find a way to address. Basically, she just needs to understand that she has to wait to be called on and raise her hand if she wants to participate (and know that she won't always be called on even if she does raise her hand) in Primary. We'll see.

Found a little paperback cookbook I bought for him about a year ago. He totally didn't remember receiving it and was curious about it. Pretty funny, that, but since he found it he was excited to try something out of it. It's called the Hillbilly something or other. Anyway... he made the Rebel Cake today. It's actually quite yummy and pretty easy (few ingredients) to make. No eggs, no butter... and very good to the taste buds. It actually makes me think of a really wonderful breakfast bread... spicey like they often are. We've eaten almost half of it already today! ^_^ So, Jess is excited to try another recipe out of his Hillbilly cookbook. :) I knew he would like it once he tried it!!!

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