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I Am... Mama and Writer

First Mama.  Then Writer.  Though, of late, the latter has consumed a great deal of time as I work to get things in order to potentially be ...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Story Time?

Nope, not today. Today IS the day we usually go the our library and participate in Story Time, check out books, and choose some movies. But today we didn't go because Mama has put her foot down. I'm not accepting the poor treatment (particularly the disobeydience) Ria has been dishin' out. I'm determined to be a good Mama, so I've been staying really calm. This, unfortunately, is not my regular MO, but I'm REALLY striving to change.

Have you ever heard that when we try to make a change for the better the whole universe revolts? I have experienced the truth of this and never more than when I'm trying to remain a calm Mama... Ria is, as humans are, used to how I have been - even if that is not good. I'm glad I understand this because it makes dealing with her screaming fits and monkey-acting at least a little bit easier to endure.

Ria spent quite a long time in her room because she was throwing temper-tantrum after temper-tantrum about any subject possible. Thankfully Heavenly Father was supporting me in my efforts and I felt cool as a refrigerated cucumber! I had some time cuddle time with just Kat. That happens REALLY rarely, so it was pleasant. :) When Ria was able to come out she was so much nicer to be around.

We did reading class, as usual, and she got to watch her choice of movie. She chose Cinderella. She LOVES Cinderella. A couple weeks ago, she watched that one at least 3 days in a row. (That's the most Ria's ever done with any movie.) She also loved Pocahontas.

I think I have neglected to mention a funny thing about Ria and her movies. Well, in particular Pocahontas, but she's also done a few other things. "What?!" you say. She pretends to be Pocahontas. No biggie, I suppose, because most kids pretend to be what they see. But this particular pretending is really funny because the only part she copies is when Pocahantas is sort of sneaking around. Ria has, during this sort of pretending, hurt the side of her ankle pretty severely at least 3 times! She stopped pretending to be Pocahontas while her ankle healed after the last time, but resumed as soon as it was pretty much healed over.

Today was my first day to do some interval walking (30 minutes of my hour). I was really amazed at the distance the inteval walking helped me cover. I was down to 28th stree in 31 minutes! Usually I don't walk past 25th at the furthest, to get my 30 minutes one way, so I'll end up home in about an hour. I also worked up a very nice sheen of persperation all over. Usually I don't have much on my face, as of late. So this is an interesting development. I plan to do the bridge tomorrow, but may decide on intervals instead since I hope to walk all by myself. Jess will only have tomorrow night off for the week and I REALLY want to enjoy my one hour that I'm completely alone and not responsible for anyone but me!

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