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First Mama.  Then Writer.  Though, of late, the latter has consumed a great deal of time as I work to get things in order to potentially be ...

Monday, October 13, 2008

Who Do You Choose? Take a Stand!

I choose McCain and Palin. Not because they are perfect or because I agree with ALL of their ideas and stances, but because they are the best of the choices available. I choose them because I believe they will truly work for our country, rather than expect that they were raised up to save it.

As I learn more and more about the two main contenders, I have felt the wool to be removed from my eyes. You see, I was totally bedazzled by Obama. He speaks well! His ideas are attractive, at least the main ones, like HOPE, that he speaks very eloquently about in the big meetings. Jess and I were both planning to vote for him.

I truly feel like I was awakened from a dream. In reality, the truth is that I was able to discern the truth rather than continue to move in the mire of a bamboozled and befuddled brain, convinced by what was said, rather than understanding what has already been done.

If past behavior is any predictor of future behavior, and in human behavior it REALLY is, then I can not trust Obama. While there are ways that someone of the opposing perspective could say the same of McCain, I think that McCain's actions speak MUCH more loudly of integrity than Obama's ever will. I agree that Obama is a wonderful speaker. I agree that his speaches are uplifting and inspiring. But I have to say that I truly believe he is much more talk than he is any actual substance. And, when it comes right down to it, we need a leader of substance who will not balk and simper and make slip ups in statements about his own religion.

Which brings me to my first of many issues and the first of the three I'm going to share with you. Did you hear about that one? It was aired, but the nothing was said of it after the slip. True, Obama and the interviewer were speaking about Muslim as a part of his upbringing and how the other party had made or not made statements about it, but when it comes right down to it, if you're truly and completely dedicated to your system of beliefs, would you ever accidentally say, "My Muslim faith," if you are not Muslim? And then, have to be corrected by an interviewer who said, "You mean your Christian faith."

I have absolutely nothing against Muslims. And as a dear friend of mine pointed out, Muslims and Christians have a lot more in common than most people realize or are willing to acknowledge. I love that because, in my opinion, that happens to be the truth across most divides. My problem is not that Obama might be a Muslim, but rather... that he's unwilling to openly be what he seems to be! If you're a Muslim, BE a Muslim and don't pretend to be something else because that's what will get you where you want to be. That's my problem!

Then there's the whole abortion issue. I won't even begin to try to explain my personal beliefs and perspective on that issue. I'm never quite able to make my perspective understood, so I won't even try. Suffice it to say I'm completely IN SUPPORT of any and every baby born having a right to life! I think most people, especially those who have had any children, feel that way as well. Not Obama.

And have you seen the information that shows some dirty hands with regard to the financial ridiculousness happening right now? Who has the dirty hands? Obama.

My presentation of information here is very brief and really incomplete. There are tons of much more eloquently stated explications about this man who has such a great face, but not nearly enough substance. Check them out. One place to look is A Mama's Blog. And there's always Google!

1 comment:

felicakes said...

I may not have the rights to say anything about the US election but I know that the whole world is holding their breath to see who wins this election.

Its really scary to think that who ever wins this election will be the most powerful man on the planet.

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