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I Am... Mama and Writer

First Mama.  Then Writer.  Though, of late, the latter has consumed a great deal of time as I work to get things in order to potentially be ...

Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas

Okay, so for the rest of the world I'm about 2 days early... but for our family, today is a bit of "Christmas" because of Jessie's work schedule. Part of our family tradition surrounding Holidays is to celebrate them sometime right around the actual holiday date because Jessie works ON the holidays (almost all the time). The only exception to that rule is birthdays. Even if Jess works, we celebrate birthdays all day on THE day of birth!

Santa has visited our family, this year, a few times via a few different people prior to today. So, even though Jess and I have purchased "only" a scooter, $1 goggles, and 2 large ruled writing pads for Ria and Kat, those are not the only gift they are receiving from "Santa". We are so thoroughly blessed! I'm actually getting excited about the girls waking up to open presents because I have NO clue what is hidden by the wrapping of most of their presents!!! Isn't that funny? Most parents are up all night wrapping.... Like I said, we're SO blessed!!!

Even though I'm not sure where I stand on the passive lying to my kids about Santa thing... I did feel sort of excited when I was preparing the cookie plate and eating the granola from the bowl we're leaving out for the "reindeer" that Jess and Ria talked about and decided needed to be done. Ria's VERY excited about all of this! She didn't get to lay anything out because I wasn't totally on the ball (she could've at least done the granola because we DO have it). We didn't have cookies in the house! How annoying. That's partially due to the fact that our oven doesn't work. Have I shared that story? I can't remember if I have or not... you know my memory issues as of late! If I haven't shared it, and you would like to know, please leave a comment and I'll fill that blank. ^_^

The Final Decision on presents to open later today
I was feeling concern over having a mountain of presents for the girls to find on Christmas morning for a second year in a row. My greatest fear is that such a sight would become expectation rather than joy and surprise. I was actually developing present presentation plans. One consisted of hiding presents throughout the house so the space under the tree would be mostly empty. Also, this could add to the fun... ? Another plan consisted of saving presents to give the girls bit by bit (on different days).

Yesterday, being Christmas Eve for us, we started a tradition of reading the story of Christ (there's a guide for it in the December Friend magazine this year). This was super important to me to establish as a tradition when the girls are young because my parents started (or tried to start) it when we were rather old and I always felt really resentful and agitated that, not only did they stay in bed WAY late and make us have breakfast together, but then they wanted to add reading scriptures to the time BEFORE we could open presents! Perhaps my bad attitude was simply because I was a teenager... I do regret it now. A bit late, I'm sorry!

It was a difficult thing, the reading time with the girls today. Kat is not much of a sit-down-girl in general, but especially not if the reading has NO pictures! Ria was agitated because she just wanted to get to the tree decorating. (I didn't know we were doing Christmas on Tuesday until this weekend. I would've planned for tree decorating on a day much earlier, had I known.) We did get through all of the reading, though. I hope in years to come it won't be something to "get through," but something we do and ENJOY! I'll be working on that!

As soon as we finished reading, Ria wanted to go right to the tree decorating. Instead we had a conversation about the purpose of gift giving and how she feels about receiving presents. During that conversation, I asked her how she would feel if she did not get the scooter she's been asking for (almost exclusively) for the last 6 months. She said she's be happy. I felt perplexed. Again, the same question from me, this time putting a great deal of emphasis on the "NOT" part of it. When she answered she said, "Mom, I'd still be happy even if I didn't get the scooter." I felt all my concern about her perception of gifts on Christmas totally melt away.

The girls with the tree after decorating.

So, instead of camouflaging the amount of gifts the girls are receiving by following a "plan," we've put them all out under the tree for them to see AND open in the morning. I feel confident that they will be happy and excited over it AND accept it as the gift it is rather than feel that they are "owed" what they receive. Entitlement really burns my shorts!!!!

More pictures available in Facebook. :)

Did you know I really LOVE to watch movies? I do. Generally I may get to watch a few a week, but when I'm trying to be kind to myself I may watch more. I'm pretty out of the loop on up to date movies to get excited about. Many learn of new movies by watching trailers on TV or at the movie theater, as I don't/can't do either I lack that way of knowing the up and coming thing. But I have a favorite movie site that I check regularly. They have new releases. Granted, the quality is NOT movie theater... but it's been SOOO long since I've been in a movie theater that I can more easily pretend watching on the computer is not lacking.

I don't really go to the theater because I would most prefer to go with Jess as a date.... However, when we HAVE gone I feel SO upset during and after the movie because we pay $8 per person (how much are they now, anyway?) and he takes a nap! Almost without fail he falls asleep sometime early in the movie and wakes to watch the credits roll. That's at home as well as in a theater. I would MUCH rather stay home so he can nap for free.

I'm definitely not a chick who minds going to the theater alone. I've done it before and it's quite nice. The quiet. The aloneness. But, truth be told, I have a hard time being away from my kiddos for more than 1.5 hours give or take an hour! and with travel time in my area any movie would take at least a little bit longer than that to watch. Also, and of course, there's the actual money issue. Affording the gas for the trip to the theater, plus the actual movie... sort of out of the question. And, honestly, I don't mind. I watch my movies online.

For instance, Seven Pounds is REALLY amazing. What do YOU think pounds refers to? I think it has something to do with weight of the donations... if you haven't seen it, that may not make sense. But, if you have... do you agree?

Delgo is rather predictable, but still enjoyable.

I'm totally excited about Yes Man... and check every day, right now, to see if it's on "my site" yet. It's not. :( I know about that one because I check the titles of the movies I'm interested in on yahoomovies to see what their ratings are. I do watch PG-13... but prefer PG and G movies.

The Day The Earth Stood Still was quite good. I REALLY like Keanu Reeves. He's hot it's true, but I enjoy him most because he does quite a good job of pulling off sci-fi, which is awesome to me because I love that genre. I watched the afore mentioned title before trying to watch The Day The Earth Stopped. I did try to watch the latter, but the former was SO much better I couldn't get past the first 3.5 minutes!! How horrible!

Four Christmases was good. I liked the two leads together. Often funny.

Ghost Town was GREAT. I enjoyed it quite a lot. It was funny and had sad bits... I really liked that one!

1 comment:

vicki said...

No, don't know about the stove not working. I thought you finally got a new one. Did that not happen, or is it the "neW" one that is not working.
It was great seeing you and talking, too. love, mom

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