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I Am... Mama and Writer

First Mama.  Then Writer.  Though, of late, the latter has consumed a great deal of time as I work to get things in order to potentially be ...

Monday, December 15, 2008

How Do YOU Teach Your Child to Love Serving

I saw my Mom serve my whole life. I saw her love service my whole life. I knew she loved it, but I didn't get it. I didn't GET it until I was 30! Why? Well, I think it has to do with the fact that I'm one of those people who learn best by reading, watching, AND DOing! If I get the first two, I might GET it, but if I get all three... it's almost for sure that I will GET it. If you've made the jump (not a big one) that I only learned to love service after I started to do it with an open heart, then you'd be right. I think that's one aspect of serving that most people won't learn through observation... and most people wouldn't think to explain. I know I wouldn't have if I'd not been writing about it!!!

I didn't hate my nursery calling. Nursery worker was my first calling. It was quite good. But I didn't have an open heart in the doing of it, so I didn't love it, either. The move away from my nuclear family of youth back in 2006 caused me some HUGE changes in many, many, MANY ways... among them was a willingness and desire to perform service with an open heart. So, now I enjoy it. AND I understand better that serving others really does increase love for them.

Well, as a result of my furthered education on this subject I desire for my children to understand these things as soon as possible because I'm certain that it will improve their lives. Thinking along these lines AND because I don't have a calling in my Ward right now, I've been searching out ways to serve others. I found that on Craigslist there is a sectioned titled "WANTED". Now, I think this section was originally intended as a place for people to list things they would like to buy. But given the economy at this time, it seems that this particular section is now a majority of ads asking for help in one way or another (at least in my area). This is also, I'm sure, due to the proximity, in time, of Christmas and the idea many people have that their kids won't have a good Christmas if there aren't a good many presents under the tree because of our capitalist society resulting in our materialistic culture.

I'm CERTAINLY not one to say a mountain of presents under the tree is nothing. If you know me outside of the blogging world, you'll remember that last year we were so totally inundated with presents from a couple of people that we LITERALLY had a mountain of presents. The feelings I felt as we received THREE black garbage bags FULL of Christmas presents from one of my friends are truly indescribable. Did you know that the person who receives service, the person who gives service, AND anyone watching an act of service each and all have a release of a chemical (I believe it's oxytocin, but I'm not absolutely positive anymore) that physically causes them to feel uplifted and, even, joyful and loved? It's true. Well, that's how I felt. Tingly full of joy. I went through some deep self-analysis after that Christmas because I was wondering if I was really MUCH more materialistic than I thought. I realized that I truly wasn't, but that I was so totally touched BECAUSE I felt the love and care of my Father in Heaven as well as the angels He'd sent us to provide = the people involved. Prior to that Christmas, I'd felt pretty down that we weren't going to be able to do more than our $10 spending limit of the Christmas before. $10 isn't huge, but it's SOMEthing... I was just feeling sorry for myself, really. But Heavenly Father showed me that He knew my heart and wish, which was a desire to do better by our kids... so, He did it FOR us!!! And, really, isn't that what He always does anyway... we just sort of take credit along the way because we're doing what He's telling us to do when He tells us to do it! :) That's what I think, anyway.

Having said all that, the fabulously full Christmas tree is something I seek after or even value for itself. Quite the contrary. I'm striving to have a VERY small Christmas - if measured by the number of gifts under the tree - THIS year. You see, I want my kids to GET it sooner than I did.... and I think... I believe that service is one of the greatest ways we can feel Charity... and isn't that why Christ came, to fulfill his greatest act of love, which is a service to all of humanity = pure love = Charity!??

So, being thus selfish, I was EXTATIC to find someone in the WANTED section who was asking for help with cleaning and laundry. Somehow I missed and/or didn't understand that she was asking for the help because she was blind. I didn't realize that fact until a couple of days ago. I just saw someone asking for something we COULD do!!! Can you imagine my pleasure and, even, joy in realizing that we would have the opportunity, not only, to serve, to give our daughters the chance to serve, but also to expose them to someone with a totally different life experience!? WOW!!!

Krista and I made a plan for my family to come to her apartment Monday morning (today) to clean and do laundry. This was, of course, before we came down with "the crud" with which we'd been inundated in the last week or so. So, I was hoping all would be well and we could go ahead with the plan. It worked out. IF any of us are still sick it was only Tea. Krista didn't hold or touch her so....

I haven't had a sit down talk with Ria about her thoughts and feelings on the activity of the morning, but while we were there she helped vaccuum, pick up little bits of trash, did some laundry, and played with Krista's dog, Pepper (that was her favorite part). As she was helping she would say little things like, "I love to help do things," and, "I'm going to tell Daddy I helped with the vaccuuming!" That last bit was a big deal because she'd been too afraid of the noise of vaccuums to touch one for more than a few moments before today. Today she actually moved the thing back and forth quite a bit. AND she was able to get it to move in a line parallel to her position... she was VERY proud of that accomplishment as the vaccuum was quite heavy. Anyway... she was quite pleased with herself and I believe I could see that she felt the value of her work. She's happy and even excited to come back to Krista's house in about a month to help some more, too! So... perhaps she's well on the way to feeling the joy in serving?

Kat was very shy. Krista actually said to me (after Jess and Kat left to start the laundry), "I thought you had 3 little ones. Where is she?" I didn't understand what she meant. I was confused because I thought Krista still retained part of her vision and would see Jess holding a child. Come to find out, she's completely blind and Kat was so quiet she couldn't hear her! How funny! Okay, the thing that's funny is only funny if you know Kat... she is totally NOT quiet. At least, she's not quiet when she's comfy. She's VERY much like Jess initially... but then she turns into a sort of Tori once she's comfy! ^_^ Funny, right? I don't know that Kat got much from the service experience. By the end of our visit, she was a little less afraid of the dog who was completely uninterested in her. My funny girl!

Tea was sleeping most of the time, so I don't think she got much out of the experience. ;) But as long as we perservere, she'll get it just like her big sisters... I think. I hope. I pray!

Wish me luck (and say a prayer for us, if you think about it) that all stays as it is and we keep on the well side of things for tomorrow, at least. Tomorrow is my temple day and our Family Temple trip and I REALLY want to make it! I feel like I need the trip even more this month because I've been missing so much regular Sunday service due to pregnancy issues, birth, and subsequent illnesses lately!!! Missing church is such a bummer. But... at least we can go to the temple sometimes, right? :) I'm so grateful for such a supportive husband who's willing to make these family jaunts and watch our girls while I spend some time within the walls of The House of The Lord! He's a good man. And that's true even if you know our problems. I happen to have a problem... I focus on the negative too much sometimes. Of myself AND others... especially those closest to me. I'm working on it!

Tomorrow is a big day all around. Temple trip, then take Jess to his second job (Piazza) so he can make sushi for the Holiday party, back to our town for Ria's piano class, then back to the Piazza for the party.

Wednesday morning the missionaries will come to see us. They are AWESOME! Such sweet sisters!!! The lesson is about how we can recognize The Spirit. I'm excited. I'm sure Jess feels the Holy Ghost, but I think it will be helpful for him to learn how to recognize it.

Thursday: Story Time and Ballet. This week a couple friends from Church are going to come over at 10am so we can hang out, go to Story Time, and then have lunch together at my house afterward! I'm so excited!!!

Friday looks like it'll be pretty quiet.

Saturday might be quiet, too.

So, we'll have some recooperation time before Sunday. :)

1 comment:

Jenny said...

what a great experience you created not only for yourself but for your children! It sounds like you are very deliberate in your parenting approach and that is sure to yield great results. What lucky girls you have!


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