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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Should Parents Have the Right to Raise Their Children?

Well, I hope you know that I believe we DO have the right to raise our own children!

Apparently (and since I'm new to all this political stuff, you'll have to forgive me for not already knowing this!), the goings on in the highest Court of our Country have caused some legal confusion regarding the rights of parents to raise their own children.

Please click HERE to find out what I'm talking about. And then, as you contact your representatives (specifically Senators) about the general craziness on "Capitol Hill" (like the Health bills as well as ObamaCare), make sure you mention your support for SJ Resolution 16: Parental Rights Amendment. Make sure they know one of their constituents want them to uphold it.

I knew about the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. But I recently learned a bit more about it and MAN am I concerned. HJ Resolution 42 (I believe it is the House version of the above SJ Resolution, but I'm not absolutely sure on that yet) aspires to effect an amendment to the Constitution to legally and formally protect the parents of this country regarding their rights as parents.I believe we really need to make sure our leaders do NOT ratify the UN treaty... make sure to read the 20 points (a link in the next paragraph). In it you'll learn, among other things, that the treaty (like any treaty) would supercede the Constitution as the Law of the land in anything NOT specifically mentioned in it... since parenting (and the rights therein to educate [religious or otherwise] our children and care for them as we see fit) is NOT mentioned in our Constitution, basically we, as parents in the U.S. would lose all rights. We would live by the law of the treaty. Given what I'm learning about it, that's NOT okay with me!

The amendment specifies that parents have a fundamental right to direct the upbringing and education of their children, that the government of this country will not interfere unless they can prove a need to do so, and that no treaty may be adopted, nor any other form of international law can be employed to supersede parental rights guaranteed in the amendment.

Still, I'd rather not have to deal with an international quibble, would you? I hope you will read the link above and contact your Congressperson and/or Senator to find out if s/he is already a co-sponsor/supporter. If s/he is NOT, please encourage him/her to become one!

If you would like to stay abreast of this topic, I hope you will check out parentalrights.org because they have a lots of really good info and a simpler way to stay on top of the news regarding this subject. For instance, they have a page devoted to a sort of primer: 20 things you need to know about the CRC (Conventions on Right of the Child).

So, have you read some info? Would you like to DO something to make a difference in keeping our country away from ratification of this amazingly troubling treaty? Well, you can become a 10 and 2 volunteer! "Everyone's doing it." heeheehee Well, perhaps not, but we can really make a difference by helping others learn about this subject. Let's spread the word like wildfire... or grass-roots!!

If you WOULD like to do this, I'll even send you a stamp so that you can send me the $1. Did you read about it? Well, because I DO want to be a 10-2 volunteer, I'm supposed to get 10 people (thus the 10) to go HERE, input their info and then collect $1 (or ask you to donate it via their site) from each to send in to support the grassroots movement that this is growing. If you would like to NOT use your credit info online, I'll send the money in for you after I receive it here. Then, I ask one of you (and/or some other folks) if you would like to do this same thing and become a 10 and 2 volunteer, too (thus the 2). If you want a stamp, you can leave me a comment to direct me to your email or blog and we'll get more info exchanged. Easy peasy!

At the very least, please make sure you know about these two bits so that you can speak out if our Country starts to move in the wrong direction concerning these as it has been on so many other subjects as of late!

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