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I Am... Mama and Writer

First Mama.  Then Writer.  Though, of late, the latter has consumed a great deal of time as I work to get things in order to potentially be ...

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Tori and ChaCha STUFF
I'm still a Top Guide! I'm VERY happy and relieved about that because I'm really REALLY close to payday and have certain goals I really want/need to reach. If I don't make my goals we won't be able to make our temple trip for the month. That would be particularly depressing to me because I REALLY look forward to our family trips and we've been going monthly for almost two years now!

YEAY for Top Guide status!! I'm actually very pleased about it this time because my stats are the best yet. This is more than a perfectionist's desire to do well... it's about security of pay/income. If I can keep my stats high, I'll stay a TG and my pay/income will be better. So, what were these stats, anyway? Well, Quality Control relates to whether my answers are satisfactory or not. I received a 100% for my QC rating. It has to be 95% for TG. I completed 469 searches for the week and to be qualified for TG you have to complete 200 for the week. Then there's % Complete, which has to be 95 for TG and mine was 100% for this last week!!! YEAY ME! :) I have to be happy with something I'm doing regarding ChaCha since I'm doing SO much of it!!!

Another ChaCha news bit... I actually did a REALLY awesome 2 hours during nap time on Sept. 12. It's my best yet. I made $5.50 per hour. That doesn't feel as hopeless and frustrating as it was a few weeks ago! I'm actually getting to my goals so much more quickly, which feels good!

I'm going to link some music into my blog. I've been running across some really nice new bands through my ChaCha work (and some ANGRY man music that I don't like at all). But, of course, I'll only share the things I like thus far. ^_^ So, if you don't wanna hear it, turn your speakers down way low.

My Schedule
Oh... and just because I want to have a record of it for myself (and I'm planning to print out my blogs for my family journal keeping type thing) I'm going to share my schedule with all of you lovely people who just HAVE to know. RIGHT! hahaha So, for the past month or more this has been what I do:
>I wake up between 12:30pm and 2pm (I try for 1 or 1:30, but it doesn't always work out.)
> I eat "breakfast" and try to spend time with Jess and the girls before he goes to work.
>Jess departs for work at around 2:30pm at least 5 days per week.
>The girls nap/have quiet time OR watch a movie (depending upon behavior and whether Ria and Jess did school already).
>I work on ChaCha while they nap or watch a movie (about 2 hours).
>We get ready for our walk when their movie is over.
>Lately the walk has been 45 minutes most of the time.
>When we get home, I make dinner and we eat.
>It's usually 7:30pm or later by the time we're all done and we do night night things, which routine takes at least 30 minutes.
>I lie down with the girls until Kat is mostly asleep (or asleep) and then get up to work.
>My goal is to be "at work" by 9pm, but that doesn't work out every night. It's sometimes as late as 10:30pm! :(
>When Jess comes home from work I try to take a break so we have some time to talk without interruption. I usually always have to "kick him out" to go to bed. The time is different depending upon when he gets home and how much pressure I feel to work (earn $$), but it's pretty much always by 1am.
>I work from then until 3am or 5am and go to bed to read/wind down and sleep.
>Every other Fri (right now) Jess goes to Daytona to pickup church assistance food, which means I'm up a lot with Kat. Makes for a rough Mama!
>And of course, church, for us, meets at 9am! UGH! Rough Tori, for sure!

So, I'm a busy little bee, right? Oh, and though I don't think it's necessary to remind any other Mamas, but for others of you, I want to make sure to mention that I DO still take care of almost all house maintainance. I have turned dishes over to Jessie entirely. I touch them only to eat. The belly causes that to be THE most difficult and painful job and my time is really not my own any more. I'm basically working full-time, so I feel very much that he should have housekeeping responsibilites! Since he does Ria's school almost all the time AND the dishes, I am placated. :) Oh, he also helps me make beds (usually) because just doing one causes my back to ache relentlessly! Weird, right? I can walk for 45 minutes, but not make 1 bed!

Kat and Potty Training
Kat had 2 accidents today. :( Both were matters of slow Mama problems, though. One, I took too long to get off the potty and the other was caused by Mama getting to the bathroom too slowly. How frustrating for both of us!

Ria Roughness
Ria has had a ROUGH week! Man, you'd think, to look at her, she and Kat were fist fighting or Mama or Daddy were beating her up. But, I promise, she has been goofing off at JUST the wrong moments and TOTALLY beating herself up! I need to take pictures!

The first incident occured a few days ago. Ria was walk/running down the hall from her room all crazy with arms akimbo and head wobbling. She was just totally being GOOFY! Well, as she rounded the corner in our living room/dining room (the corner is defined by the kitchen counter) she totally whacked her eyelid on the corner of that room seperating counter! And DOWN she went! WOW... the worst, for me, is that I was sitting RIGHT across from her when it happened and I totally could not have stopped it! Thankfully the bugger of a knock happened on the bone above her right eye and not ON her eye!! She had to sit with ice on her eye for a long while after that.

You'd think she'd be more careful? nope. Friday, 9-12-08, she fought the floor and lost! Actually, she was trying to climb (NO NO!) on a chair and fell off of it and banged her lower lip (on the RIGHT side) REALLY well. This time it happened while I was trying to sleep, so I didn't see the incident for myself. But I certainly saw AND can see the effects! WOW. Once again she had to sit with ice on her boo boo for a LONG while. For whatever reason, she HATES to hold ice on her sore bits. We'll see if she tries beating herself up some more anytime soon! *_*

Piano Lessons on the Horizon
I went my normal route for my walk today and happened to "run" into Mary Kay. She was actually the one running. :) She is such a delight and breath a fresh air in my low IRL (in real life) contact world! She was starting out for her run and stopped to chat with me. I'm grateful. I enjoy her and it was really nice to hear her thoughts on piano lessons and how she's doing with her first year (first 2 weeks!) teaching. Basically, she's willing to start lessons at any time with Ria, but we DO need to have a piano in the house for Ria to practice on. That is really doable now since just within the last week my dear friend, Sage, offered to let me use her little keyboard for Ria until we can get a piano! So, we may be able to start piano lessons THIS coming week! I'm soo excited! You'd think I was about to start piano lessons myself. ^_^

Just in Case You're Wondering
I've been working on this one post for the majority of my work hours today (9-12 &9-13). I work between searches and while pages load (very little time in a chunk). So, if I seem disjointed, please attribute it to preggie brain and ChaChaING! :)

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