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I Am... Mama and Writer

First Mama.  Then Writer.  Though, of late, the latter has consumed a great deal of time as I work to get things in order to potentially be ...

Friday, September 19, 2008

Pictures Update

Some Random Shots
A sweet Kit Kat smile!

Ria with the black eye and bum lip.
Notice they are both on the right side.
What does THAT mean?

Kitty Kat at Dance Class:
The Evolution In An Hour

After a nap, she eats a snack.
OH! And can you tell she has
a little bun in her hair!?
And it stays for ALL of dance class!

More snack eating while watching Ria.

Still working on the snack in
a new watching position.

Running in her new tap shoes
after Ria's class is done.

Do you see the fully joyful look
on that little shmoook?

Oops, the shoes slipped off again.
She's not perturbed a bit.
"Just takes a minute and,
I'm off again!"


This is what you see as you approach his area
from the house. Quite tight... small.

Looking at it from right next to the striped chair.

Looking at it from behind the striped chair.

The view from sitting on the couch.

Another of the same.
This is really just to show you
how close he is to the parked van.

Sort of a width shot.
This shows that the "entertainment" shelves
are not fully dedicated to his area
AND how little they actually are.

This is the view out from the couch
to show you his saved fan.
He is SO very pleased with it
and how COOL his area stays with it in place!

Jess just joked Sunday (the 21st) that he was going to steal
the leather recliner we received from some friends
who moved and put it in his 2X2 space.
That was both a joke about the amount of space he has
(being as little as it really is)
and an acknowledgment of the space that is JUST his!

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