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I Am... Mama and Writer

First Mama.  Then Writer.  Though, of late, the latter has consumed a great deal of time as I work to get things in order to potentially be ...

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Parents Joys

Today has been full of awesomeness! I'm going to start with the most recent and go backward. Just because.

Ria just told me, "I've learned from the Lion King that when we die we turn in to grass and the cantelope eat the grass." She added, when asked about it again later, "Cantelope are animals. And then the cantelope turn into food that we can eat. People grind up the cantelope so that we can eat it." I have been giggling about this since she said it to me because it has just tickled me to no end. I'm not exactly sure why because, really, she's only one letter off... but I guess it just has to do with the whole 'insight into what my daughter hears' sort of thing. Ya know?

Moving back in time.... This morning was our Ward's Primary Presenation. Ria has had her part (THREE lines: big-time for a Sunbeam) memorized from about a week and a half after we received it. I'm pretty sure I was more nervous for her than she was for herself as her turn at the microphone approached. When she went up I was worried that she might freeze upon seeing the large congregation. (People who have not been to church in a long while were present, so we were quite full today!) She didn't bat an eye. She arranged the mic and went right into what she had to say, "The Bible and the Book of Mormon testify of Jesus Christ and teach me how to live the Gospel. For example, the Bible hero Daniel showed me how to be true and have courage. The Book of Mormon prophet Abinidi had great steadfastness and faith." She did start to leave the podium before she said the last word, so it was fainter than it should've been, but it was apparent that she knew her stuff and she executed it CLEARLY confidently! Jess and I were both in tears (aren't all parents, especially the first time around?!).

Well, if that's not the coolest thing, ever... I want to and feel a need to add that upon her exit from the podium there was a tremendous and TOTALLY audible exclamation of "OooohhH!" from the audience. Can you imagine my surprise!? I mean, of course I would be effected, but to hear such a reaction from the rest of the whole Ward! My goodness gracious, if there EVER was a more pleased or gratified Mama than me, I certainly canNOT imagine how she would've felt!!! And as for me, as soon as she was near the last couple words tears were streaming from my eyes... upon hearing the Ward's reaction my heart filled so full I felt like I was just going to burst right open. And then, to look over and see Jessie's eyes full of tears. WHAT JOY!!!!

It's not that I had to work with Ria day and night to help her memorize her part or anything. It would be deceptive of me to say that it's ever TRULY difficult to help Ria memorize things (because it's not very hard at all), but I did work with her to help her to her performance point up there on stage. And it's an indescribable joy to feel and HEAR other people's pleasure in her!

I did have to spend a good deal of time reassuring Ria that even though no one would clap after she said her part, they would be very pleased and impressed with her. She argued with me on that point quite a bit. She was just SURE that at least one person would clap for her. When I agreed that at least one person would WANT to clap for her she was mullified. :) My little prima dona... but no attitude prior to or even at church following the show, thankfully! She did have a bit of a breakdown at home this afternoon, but I honestly believe it was due to a let down from the stress/fun combined with her too late bedtime (10:30pm) last night due to the Women's Broadcast. We did experience a similar breakdown after the ballet recital. And I actually had my own little breakdown of sobbing immediately following the Program, so I think it was just a release of FEELING. Ya know?

To top off those wonderful experiences, while still at church Jess and I received numerous compliements from just about everyone that could possibly know we were Ria's parents. Our Stake Primary President was in attendance and she gushed to each of us individually - twice to me - about how completely and totally impressed she was with Ria. Jess told me that people stopped him up and down the hall to tell him that they were tremendously touched and impressed with Ria and that they thought she was just a firecracker! My friend, Kelli, told me that when she went to the bathroom there were a few ladies in there and all they were talking about was Ria and how impressed with her they were. ^_^ Sister Crunkleton, Ria's Sunbeam teacher, expressed how awesome she felt Ria was to me once again. The first time she saw/heard Ria read she was so in awe that she told me she was sure Ria was a genius! :) I did correct her and agree that Ria was exceptional, but probably not quite a genius. (I've done some reading about the subject and that seems to be the case. Of course, I'm not about to stop trying to help her develop guinius like intellect, of course!) Sister Crunkleton also related, from her perspective, her reaction to Ria during the practice. I'd seen it, but it was fun to hear how she felt about it.

Yesterday we had our Primary Presentation practice. Ria was the first in her class to go up to practice. She delivered her part perfectly and returned to her seat. Sister Crunkleton's jaw had dropped and as Ria approached Sister Crunkleton was raving to Ria about what she's just done. That was wonderful and made me feel good, but was also pretty funny because Sister Crunkleton was supposed to direct the next child to the podium and she completely forgot about it because she was just totally blown away by Ria! :) When she told me about it she added something I would never have thought and know is not true, but she said, "I forgot about the other children! What a moron, right?!" How funny! ((*_*))

And, as an added point of interest, if there were any other children with their parts memorized, they didn't stand and look out at the audience while they presented. There were a few who looked up, but not one looked around the congregation while they presented, as Ria did! That, to me, shows what a little star Ria is! She just LOVES to be in front of people and no group (large or larger) puts her off. What a joy!!! I think this is SUCH a humongo deal to me because it's only been in the last few years of my life that I've felt comfortable in front of people (and I don't think I've ever performed in any way shape or form to as large a group as was present for the dance recital). So, it's gratifying that, at least, thus far Ria is unintimidated! ^_^ One of my goals with keeping her in Dance is that she maintain that kind of comfort with an audience. I really don't know why this is quite as important to me as it is, but I feel it will benefit her greatly in the future!

You know, Jess has always wanted to be a performer. Perhaps it's knowing that he would like to stand in front of people and put on a show that makes me feel that one of our kiddos will certainly DO it! I think it's possible that Jess will also, but I have to admit that I hope it won't be really soon just because it would freak me out too much! hahahaha

As for the presentation as a whole, it was just wonderful, special, sweet, and joyful! I think the message, I AM A CHILD OF GOD, was apparent and conveyed very well. The sisters of the primary (less me) sang a song that was just absolutely GORGEOUS! They sounded marvelous and tears sprouted big and blurry in my eyes as they sang. Because of the time at the end of the whole program, the congregation joined the Primary in the last verse of the last song. "If the Savior Stood Beside Me." We'd copied and passed out the song for everyone to read so they could sing along. I was totally in tears during that bit - even unable to finish singing fully. The Spirit had enveloped the room and was huge in my heart! It was just WONDERFUL!

So, the day is just over half done and super full of goodness. I think it could well make up for the frustrations and such of yesterday.

Of course, my hips are still troubling me tremendously. It's actually been excruciating to walk (the little bit I've had to) all day and while sitting (even now) the pain throbs down my left leg periodically. :( But, there must needs be opposition in all things, right? So, that's mine for now, I think. I just really hope I get a break from the hip grinding physical pain I've had lately (for the last week!) before I go into labor because pain is just not something I do well... especially when it's constant and even more when it feels unnecesary or pointless! It sort of wears me down and then I totally crack... like last night. Man, did I crack. Sobbing and crying and ranting a little bit. Well, I think I've only done that sort of thing about once each trimester this pregancy. MAN, Jess sure is a LUCKY guy!!!! ^_^ I tell him as much, but since he doesn't have really any reminders of it - in that there aren't any other preggie women we know well for him to see how rollercoaster off the hook they are - he doesn't really appreciate it, I think.

Before I close I want to add that Kat was amazingly well behaved today. We sat in the pews section of church today. Normally we sit in the overflow area and, even if we sit in a row with chairs in front of it, Kat is all over the place. We were determined that she would be in the area we'd designated as ours during sacrament meeting so that Jess and I could enjoy the whole program. It totally worked out (except for when I took Kat to pee). She was mostly quiet for most of the time and she was actually really cuddly and sweet most of the time to boot!

Also, I don't think I've mentioned (but appologize if I have) that I asked Kat the other day who she was. Her first answer, "Ria!" I said, "No, your sister is Ria. What is YOUR name?" She thought about it for a second and said, "Tat!" That's sort of funny because she can TOTALL say the "K" sound. Obviously, though, she identifies herself with the nickname Kat, of the MANY we use to refer to and call her. Really, the most frequent names (in order of use) are probably: Kit Kat, Kat, and Kitty Kat. Interesting to hear what could well be her personal preference! :)

I wanted to add that this morning, after getting dressed in one of her pretty church dresses, Kat declares, "TEMPLE!" She was just sure we were preparing to go to the temple. When I told her we were not going to the temple, but, rather, going to church, she emphatically declared that I was wrong, in her very own Kat way. And then pouted. It was pretty funny. Then, as we pulled into the church parking lot, she once more declared, "Temple!" I again corrected and let her know that this was church, not temple. I think she thinks of the pointy spire on the building as an indication that it MUST be the temple. I'm glad to have the difficulty of correcting this misconception... it reveals that she has a clear understanding of PART of the temple, at least! :)

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