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Friday, November 25, 2011

Thankful Thursday, Week of November 17 - 23, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011:  I'm thankful for a good day; mostly peaceful.  I'm grateful for many little jobs accomplished by Jessie during the time he was home today.  Things I could do, probably, but can't seem to get to because of all the other things I must do.  I'm grateful for his willingness to be helpful.

I'm grateful for the restfulness of most of the day.  I'm grateful for what Ria and I were able to accomplish on the patio tonight and what we hope to accomplish over the next few days or so.  I'm grateful for the amazing workout, with which I started my day.  I've ordered the full thing.  What I've been doing (today and yesterday) is only snippets on a website and YouTube... amazing workout in broken up pieces... I look forward to seeing what I will experience when I have them all together with complete understanding of HOW to do them!  I'll let you know what it is and how it's going after I've had a bit more experience with the real deal... hopefully it'll get here faster than the 7-10 business days!  *sigh*

I'm grateful for the opportunity and blessing of being able to help a friend with a haircut.  She has beautiful hair and trusted her long tresses in my hards.  I'm hopeful she continues to feel happy with it cause it was a joy to help her.  The payment which followed is a blessing, too, but hard to accept graciously because I just loved helping my friend so much!
I continue to feel grateful for the trial of a very painful breast slight case of Mastitis... slight because the fever is VERY low and I'm not flat on my back!).  I'm trying to be thankful in/for ALL things.  I'm not sure what I should learn from this particular trial, but I am trying to be thankful regardless.  :)

Friday, November 18, 2011:  I'm thankful for peaceful days.  I'm grateful my girls are happy to help me in many ways and even come to me saying, "What can I do for you?" and then following the completion of help they have provided saying, "You're the best Mom in the whole world!"  I'm SO grateful for the book the Lord sent into my life via one of my temple angels, which has helped to bring about this gift of good behavior and happy hearts!

I continue to be thankful for the amazing "secret" exercise I'm still doing via tidbits I've been able to piece together.  I may go back to Tamilee Webb tomorrow just for some variety, but look forward to receiving the full workouts I've ordered.  Early birthday present.  And since I haven't had one (cause I couldn't think of anything I'd actually like), the expense is really minimal... but a lot if I just look at the numbers.  *sigh*  I'm glad Jessie is happy to give me what I'd like to have.  It's rare enough that I actually desire any THING, that's for sure.  :)

Saturday, November 19, 2011:  I'm thankful for Saturdays; the special day, the day we get ready for Sunday.  :)  I'm grateful for an awesome workout with my "secret" find.  I've got the sweat running rivers down my body and I love it!  And in only a FEW minutes!!!!

I'm grateful for life, for my children and the amazing wonders that each of them are!

Sunday, November 20, 2011:  I'm thankful for a quiet morning at home with Ria and Jimmy while Tea, Kat, and Daddy went to church.  I'm not "glad" per se, that we were home, but we ended up having a very nice morning just the three of us.  By the end (only 3 hours because they missed most of Sacrament meeting), though, Ria and I were a bit lonely for the rest of the gang!

I'm grateful for the time and ability to make a nice family meal to eat upon their return.  And a pumpkin pie made from real pumpkin (baked and scraped by moi) to enjoy together after quiet time.

I'm grateful for the unexpected visit from the missionaries.  It was a really great visit and I have hope that Jessie is now acting on a "challenge" they/I made him to read more Bible at each reading.  Here's hoping!  ;)

Monday, November 21, 2011:  I'm thankful for children who try to behave well all the time.  They (as I) fail miserably at times, but they try SO hard.  I'm so grateful for them!

I'm thankful for a great short workout from my "secret" source.  ^_^  I look forward to receiving what I have ordered so I can get some experience with the actual workout and share what I've found if it's as wonderful as it already seems!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011:  I'm thankful for my brother Josh.  He was a bit of a pain in the neck when we were kids.  ;)  I was sorta jealous of his cocky confidence and lack of concern about the threats our parents made.. okay, truth: I was seriously jealous.  Fast Forward to now... I'm not jealous anymore.  I'm just happy for him!  He's become (and becoming) an amazing man who is an inspiration!  He is a really hard worker.  He is loving, kind and super helpful.  He is service oriented, obedient to the principles and precepts that matter most.  He is a righteous Priesthood holder and a strong Spiritual Leader, striving to be better, for his family and in his Ward.  He is a GOOD person always trying to be better.  I love him and want to say:  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!  I hope it's a wonderful day for you and yours!!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011:  I'm thankful for a relaxing and productive day.  I was so busy from morn until night that I didn't get my exercises in.  It's been more difficult, too, since I stopped just leaving Jimmy with Jess.  I'm going to ask him to step back in as baby-care provider so I can get the sweat flowin' again.  I definitely need it!

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