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Monday, September 23, 2013

Meditation Monday #40

Another week has passed.  I continue to succeed at meditating every day.  I'm still using the Prosperity Meditation as well as daily Kirtan Kriya (with open and close).  The prosperity meditation really does help me.  Praise the Lord for this awesome technology to change our own brains!  He is changing my brain and making me truly new in so many ways.

Prosperity comes in many forms.  For me, as I've shared, since I've added the Prosperity form to my practice, I've been given money by strangers, told that my business at the Farmer's Market is doing better than most given how slow things have been, and I have been blessed with a number of booked parties... some of them unexpected.

It looks like my first Lilla Rose Home Party will close well above what I think the Hostess expected (that's prosperity!), but maybe what she hoped.  I also had two buying customers at the Farmer's Market last Wednesday (a slow day).  My Facebook business page continues to grow, which is a great gift and blessing - especially when I don't know some of those who "LIKE" me there.  ^_^  That's more than I thought I could expect.  The Lord is merciful and so kind!  I know He desires to give me every good gift and I'm working to change my brain so that I can accept whatever He has in mind with gratitude and thanksgiving.

Prosperity is possible!  Love is expansive.  There is always enough and more.  These are relatively new concepts to me.  And not only do I know them theoretically, but I am coming to understand them deeply.  Meditation truly is a wonderful technology.  I must be honest in relating that I do find Kundalini Yoga to be the most seamless and least bumpy of those meditation forms I've tried!  :)

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