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Monday, November 26, 2012

Meditation Monday #18

Today is day 174 of my meditation journey.  I'm still focusing on Kirtan Kriya and completing a 31 minute meditation using it almost every day.  The only day I might not complete the full 31 is Friday, but this past Friday I did.  Yeay!  :)

I continue to feel the positive effects of meditation.  The biggest difference I feel is in my newfound ability to rescind others' ability to hurt me.  The story behind that is was a big seismic shift for me... paradigm shift big time, for sure!  I sure am grateful for it, too.

I'm also able to maintain a quiet mind and calm demeanor more often.  I still need much improvement in this area of my life, but the progress since I started meditating has been much more significant than any given period before I began meditating.

Praise God for awesome tools, which He provides that we (I) might progress!!!

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