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I Am... Mama and Writer

First Mama.  Then Writer.  Though, of late, the latter has consumed a great deal of time as I work to get things in order to potentially be ...

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Thankful Thursday: Week Beginning July 14

Thursday, July 14, 2011:  I'm thankful for a quiet day of rest while my girls enjoyed movies.  I'm grateful to have had some time to spend with my Aunt Barbara.  She is a TREASURE!

Friday, July 15, 2011:  I'm thankful for the time I was able to spend with my Mom at her Mom's house.

Saturday, July 16, 2011:  I'm thankful for the Memorial for my Grandpa.  It was a good and enjoyable event.

Sunday, July 17, 2011:  I'm thankful for a sweet girl named Molly.  She was the only one in the Ward I was visiting to approach me and introduce herself.  SUCH a kind young woman!  I'm grateful for the opportunity to drive around with my Mom and see the town of her youth.

Monday, July 18, 2011:  I'm thankful for the opportunity to have a good talk with my youngest sibling (brother) and then an outing to New Orleans with all my brothers and their families.  What a GOOD day.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011:  I'm thankful for an ejoyable and restful day at my Uncle Mark and Aunt Barbara's house.  It was a pleasure to be in their home.  I'm SO grateful to two of my brothers, their hard work and the gifts they provided to repair and renew my van.  My van now has tires fit for travel, windows that go up and down at the touch of a button, and buttons that are situates properly in the door.  They did so much for me and my family in their desire to help me/us and there are not enough words of thanks to explain my gratitude!  I'm grateful for the time I was able to spend with my sisters-in-love and talk and share and hopefully repair some of the pain of life.

Wednesday, July 19, 2011:  I'm thankful for a quiet evening at home to rest from the LONG trip home.  I left Tuesday night around 9pm (10pm FL time) and got hom around 1:10pm Florida time.  It was a rough trip.  Thankfully the trip TO Louisiana was MUCH easier!

I'm so grateful to all those in my family who joined us for our morning and evening Devotionals.  It is STILL a tremendous joy to me... the feelings of being bound in Unity and Love with those who joined to worship our Lord and Savior with us during those few days/times we had together.  THANK YOU!!!!

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