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I Am... Mama and Writer

First Mama.  Then Writer.  Though, of late, the latter has consumed a great deal of time as I work to get things in order to potentially be ...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I've been reading a bit lately and wanted to share a bit about it.

First, I finished Pride And Prejudice by Jane Austin again.  Love it!  More recently, I finished Managers Of Their Homes: A Practical Guide To Daily Scheduling For Christian Home-School Families and Redeeming the Time by the Maxwells.  The latter is written specifically for men and I did buy it FOR Jessie, but after I finished the former, I felt REALLY hard-hearted about this whols scheduling thing I really HAVE been feeling led to implement.  So, I started reading Redeeming the Time in hopes that it would soften my heart and help me follow through on this thing that I know Father wants me to work on.  It has helped.  I put the schedule together for the girls and me tonight.  MAN it takes a long time!  I read that it's be a big investment at the outset, but sheesh!  As I understand it, though, it's an investment and I'll see the dividends very quickly - if not immediately.  Now, it would be AWESOME if Jess could work reasonable hours so I could get the sleep I have planned in the schedule!  *sigh*

I started another book today and was totally laughing out loud in the very first pages!!!  (Seriously, I hadn't even started reading the actual BOOK!  I was laughing out loud while reading the Introduction!  ^_^)  It's called: Your Girl: Raising a Godly Daughter in an Ungodly World by Vicki Courtney.  I'm really looking forward to reading this one.

Have I mentioned that we've been working to have Family Reading Time each night?  We've read Great Expectations already.  I was amazed at how MUCH Ria loved it.  She talked about Pip and Estella at various times throughout the day - especially once we were half-way through the book.  Currently we're reading Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, which Ria also really loves.  It's so neat to hear her talk about these characters.

What have you been reading lately and how did you like it?

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